If you went into Madi’s room right now, all you would see is the frame to her playhouse, her mattress on the floor with her pillow, and a trash can.
That’s it.
I’ll spare you all the horrible details, but we spent two hours last night and 40 minutes today dealing with a screaming freaking-out kid. Last night it started because she wanted to read a book that would take too long, so Ben suggested a different book, and she went ballistic. So, we took away everything we possibly could, even Bearie, her absolute favorite. She still screamed…yelled…hit…on and on and on it went…defiance personified…
It is incredibly frustrating as a parent, because we just want her to respect us enough to obey what we ask her to do. You know, it’s not like we are asking her to do impossible tasks. All we wanted is for her to get into bed!
There is a point too, where it is almost like she realizes that she is out of control, and she just wants a hug and calms down. We just need to get to that point much much earlier!
So frustrating…

There’s the Terrible Twos, but compared to the 3s and even the 4s, they are not all that terrible. My daughter who is now almost 7, would threw some of her biggest tantrums (and there were plenty) during the 3s and 4s. I know that doesn’t give you a lot of encouragement now, but one day you will witness the improvement with age. You can do it!Jenhttp://www.listplanit.com
My foster daughter would do that from time to time. Very hard on the mom!
I feel your pain! We have just now had about 4 nights in a row with no screaming from Adrianna. She is a quality time girl so we have tried to focus on that. We do the teeth and potty and then she gets into bed. We read her bible story in bed with just her bed lamp on, talk a little, turn on some Gregorian chant, and then one of us rubs her back for a few minutes. It really seems to calm her down and she hasn’t screamed! Sometimes we give her a little bit of quiet reading time in bed before we go through the story and everything. I don’t know if Madi is a quality time girl so this might not work…but anything is worth a try right?!