After I had Madi, I never lost the last 10 pounds that I had gained during the pregnancy. This time around, I have around five pounds that I have not lost yet (Which fluctuates between 4 – 7 pounds depending on how much I decided to eat that day)
I was thinking about that last five pounds, and wondering if I will end up losing it before I get pregnant again. It doesn’t matter that much, and I know some of you are probably rolling your eyes at me…but here’s the deal.
Eating is kind of an issue…and I’ll tell you why. I would not call a normal meal with two kids very relaxing. It just isn’t. You can’t savor your food because there is a constant stream of activity…preparing the kid’s plates of food, keeping Parker’s tray stocked with even more food, refilling beverages, and so on. So, when I have the opportunity to eat by myself…I truly take advantage. On the days that I have class, I don’t eat lunch until after the kids are down for their naps. I get my heaping plate of food and I usually eat it while watching one of the shows that I have DVR-ed. Lately, it has been Top Chef, Survivor, Celebrity Fit Club, and Dinner: Impossible…shows that I am probably the only person that is interested in watching in our household. (I know…weird selections)
This time is precious…I can enjoy my food, take as long as I want to eat it, and I don’t have to share it with anyone. I can eat dessert if I want, and it doesn’t cause an uproar. The end result? I eat more than I should. Yikes.
Today is my last day of my day class, so I will be eating with the kids every day going forward. No more leisurely lunches…I wonder if I will end up eating less or if I will still find myself gravitating towards a heaping plate of “snacks” after the kids go down for a nap? Hmmm…time will tell. But today? I am going to enjoy my plate of leftover homemade pizza, cottage cheese and peaches, and probably a couple of caramel chunk cookies. Yum-O!