Last Thursday, I had my last MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting. It runs from September to May and we sit at the same table the entire year so we can get to know a smaller group of Moms. I was one of the table leaders this year, and I wanted to give out a little something to the Moms at my table. I am my Mother’s daughter, which means I have an inherited compulsion to give gifts in every possible situation…
All that to say that part of the gift was sharing the words to Steven Curtis Chapman’s song “One Heartbeat”. My mother-in-law actually told me about the song, and it is a tearjerker…so, I thought I would share the words here too! It is such a great reminder to look past the daily grind of being a Mom and recognize the importance of our jobs. Often, I will get to the end of the day and feel like I didn’t get anything done today, when in fact I definitely did…
by Steven Curtis Chapman
You were up all night with a screaming baby
You’ve run all day at the speed of light
And every day you feel a little bit less
Like the beautiful woman you are
So you fall into bed when you run out of hours
And you wonder if anything worth doing got done
And maybe you just don’t know
And maybe you have forgotten
You are changing the world one little heartbeat at a time
Making history with every touch and every smile
You may not see it now but I believe that time will tell
How you are changing the world one little heartbeat at a time
I know you can do it
Every tear you kiss away
So many little things that seem to go unnoticed
They just like the drops of rain over time
They become like a river
You are changing the world one little heartbeat at a time
Making history with every touch and every smile
You may not see it now but I believe that time will tell
How you are changing the world one little heartbeat at a time
You’re beautiful…how you are changing the world…
…one little heartbeat at a time