I like to think that I try to do everything “in moderation”, but honestly? I don’t. I usually try and cram in as much as possible. For example, we ran errands the other day, and ended up going to Sam’s Club, Kohl’s, the library, and the gas station…all in about two hours.
May 11th was no exception. It was Mothers Day and our anniversary (which I couldn’t do much about) but we also decided to get Parker dedicated on that day as well. It was a little hectic to say the least. Madi was dedicated when she was 6 days old, so I was bound and determined to get it done while he was somewhat little. Not that there is a deadline or anything…
But regardless of my personal issues with logistics, the day went well. Parker didn’t cry or run away from us on the stage…Madi didn’t throw any tantrums, which is miraculous…and I didn’t have to cook any meals. It was great to have our parents and some friends at Parker’s dedication (made me cry of course). It was also special to see both our Moms on Mothers Day, because that rarely happens.
Long live motherhood…and crazy schedules…