Just a couple cute kid stories…
Tonight Ben was putting Madi to bed and told her that he had a new story to tell her. She wasn’t sure about it, because it sounded too long, so she said that instead she wanted a “Dora story” and that the new story? Seriously…she says, “Let’s put it on the calendar”. It cracked us up!
As for Parker…he had his first haircut on Friday! I originally was just going to have her trim up around his ears, but the back is getting pretty long and curly, and it kind of looked like a mullet, so we decided to trim up the back a little bit too. Still has curls though…whew. He sat so well, and it’s still long enough for him to twirl on the sides and to rub food in it at mealtimes…:) But wow, with his new haircut and his “dashing” around the house after Madi, he is totally looking like a toddler instead of a baby which makes me kinda sad! Obviously, I’m going to be a complete mess when they get to major life transitions!