Well…here goes…
Honestly, I really never imagined myself starting a blog…my life is littered with journals where one or two pages are written on, but not much else. There was one journal I kept up for maybe a year, but when I went to read it later on, it was kind of embarassing, “curing” me of wanting to journal for quite a while. But a few weeks ago, we had a speaker at MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) who talked about the benefits of journaling, and it’s been hovering in the back of my mind ever since.
So, I decided to start this blog to find that “circle of quiet” that I desperately need as I careen through life. I find it difficult to stop and reflect amidst stinky diapers, Dora movies, ironing, grading papers (you get the idea) but I want to. Honestly, I can’t imagine anyone wanting to read what I have to say, but at the very least, it is a lot cheaper than therapy.
And here’s my first “reflection”…
Yesterday, I was playing with the kids up in my daughter Madi’s room…just goofy stuff like dancing, reading books, and giggling. Madi wanted to “put me to bed”, so I climbed into her playhouse where she takes her naps and settled down for a minute. My son Parker proceeded to climb in and lay down right next to me with his head on my shoulder and started looking at a little board book. When he was finished, he got up, crawled out of the house, found another book, and came right back in and settled back down next to me. Wow, did I have a “love-ache” for my little buddy-cakes – I hardly dared to breathe so it would last as long as possible. Of course it passed, and he went on to other adventures, and I know there will be plenty of other “moments”…but this one particularly struck me…motherhood never disappoints…